Min Li Fine Arts

Cityscape Series
"Santa Barbara Cafe"
Santa Barbara Series #1 of 2
Giclée and Poster Prints Available
"Sunshine in Santa Barbara"
Santa Barbara Series #2 of 2
Giclée and Poster Prints Available
Morning Walkway
16x20 Oil on canvas

The Santa Barbara morning yields a soft array of colors often missed during the day, when it is splashed with high contrasts of the heady sun. Min paints this piece as cool colors slowly transition to warmer ones as the day unfolds. On the stucco mission walls, one finds a dozen nuanced off-whites and creams.
Villa Tosca
30x40 Oil on canvas

Santa Barbara Cafe
24x30 Oil on canvas

The mostly empty tables and cool pastels of the painting are soothing and refreshing as figures in the background enjoy a cool drink in the leafy shade across from the blushing erisimum-draped walls.
Sunshine in Santa Barbara
30x40 Oil on canvas

The sun’s glimmer in this oil painting, in itself resplendent, accentuates the distinctive Spanish Colonial style architecture, red tile roofs and candy colored awnings of California’s Santa Barbara on a radiant day.